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Preparing for Your Visit
- Please bring your insurance cards and picture ID to each appointment.
- We ask that you bring ALL prescription and over-the-counter medications, in their original bottles, to each appointment.
- Patients more than 25 minutes late for a scheduled appointment may be asked to reschedule.
Appointment Policy
- Missed New Patient appointments will only be rescheduled once.
- Three No Show appointments may result in dismissal from the practice.
- If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please contact that office as soon as possible so we may make that appointment time available to another patient.
Medication Refill Policy
- If you are on a medication that requires refills for a chronic disease, you will be given ample refills for 30 or 90 days at the time of your office visit.
- We ask that you schedule a follow up visit when you are down to a 30 day supply of medication in order to be evaluated and have your medications adjusted, if necessary, prior to authorizing a refill.
- We understand that unexpected situations arise, thus a small refill of chronic medication will be granted for one or two days on an as-needed basis. This allows patients to be seen and evaluated by the physician during office hours for all their medication refills.